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Date: 1998-06-23

Online Privacy: Live/Hearings des DOC jetzt

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Online Privacy: Live/Hearings des DOC

Das U.S. Handelsministerium (DOC) hält heute und morgen öffentliche Hearings zum
Thema Online Privacy ab. Der Eventt wird erstens als Cybercast übertragen, das
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) hat eine Comment-Page dafür

The Department of Commerce (DOC) will hold a two day public meeting on Internet
Privacy tomorrow and Wednesday-- July 23 and 24. CDT will be participating in
the event along with other consumer and privacy advocates. Your input is vital
to this discussion. The agenda for the event can be found at the DOC privacy


The event will also be cybercast live.

You can let your voice be heard by sending comments on the Department of
Commerce's plans from CDT's comment page:

Recent statements from the DOC indicate that the Administration does not view
the July 1, 1998 deadline, set by their Framework for Electronic Commerce paper,
as a cut-off for assessing the success of industry self-regulatory activities to
protect privacy. Yet, while self-regulation should be a piece of privacy
protections, the recent Federal Trade Commission report to Congress (see CDT
Policy Post 4.14 for more information) demonstrates overwhelming evidence of the
failure of private sector action alone to provide even basic safeguards.

CDT believes that the conference this week should serve as the jumping-off point
for the White House's effort to develop a coherent national policy on privacy.
It is critical that the Administration work with Congress, privacy and consumer
advocates, and members of the business community committed to providing privacy
protections for their customers, to craft a framework for privacy protection.
Towards this end CDT urges the Administration to work with Congress, the
advocacy community, and all relevant stake holders to:

* develop specific proposals to protect individual privacy through
self-regulation, legislation and public education; * develop appropriate policy
to protect children's privacy; * explore the role of technology in protecting
privacy and methods by which the government can promote the development of
privacy-enhancing technologies; and, * craft the outline of a privacy
infrastructure including the creation of a federal entity to develop privacy
policy in both the public and private sectors.

It is time to develop the proposals and the strategy to move a national privacy
policy forward.


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edited by Harkank
published on: 1998-06-23
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