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Date: 1999-08-17

Evaluation: Secure Freemail/services

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Weil offensichtlich hohe Nachfrage besteht, schießen
Freemail/services, die verschlüsselte E-Mail Services via WWW
anbieten, nur so aus Boden. Bruce Schneier hat sich drei davon
näher angesehen & bei allen mehr oder weniger grosse
Sicherheitslücken entdeckt.

Fazit: Lieber doch S/MIME oder das gute alte PGP
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HushMail <> is basically a PGP or S/MIME-
like e-mail application that uses Java (although oddly enough,
HushMail is not compatible with either). The sender logs onto the
HushMail Web site, and encrypts messages using a Java applet that
is automatically downloaded onto his machine. Both the sender and
receiver need to have HushMail accounts for this to work. Accounts
can be anonymous.

The algorithms are 1024-bit ElGamal for key exchange and
signatures, and Blowfish for bulk encryption. But everyone's private
key is stored on the HushMail server, protected in a passphrase.
This means that one weak link is likely to be the passphrase; it's the
only protection you have against someone who has legal or illegal
access to the HushMail server.
Another weak link is the Java applet. When you download it, you
have no idea if it is the correct applet. Yes, the source code is
public, but that doesn't help when you are at a public Internet
terminal trying to encrypt or decrypt private e-mail. A Trojaned Java
applet can do all sorts of damage, and there is no way to know.
This is actually a major problem. The applet can be signed, but who
signed it? Even if you check the certificate, the typical browser
permits a dozen different PKI roots by default, and any one of them
can issue a forged certificate. This means you have to trust them all.
And you have to trust that a Trojan didn't drop a phony certificate
into your browser. Note that a downloaded verifier can never solve
this problem; it just turns the "how do I trust the applet" question into
"how do I trust the verifier."
All in all, though, HushMail seems like a reasonable implementation
of the idea. The company seems clued; they have a reasonably
informative Web site, and respond promptly to security questions.

ZipLip <> is different. Both parties do not need
an account to communicate. The sender logs onto the ZipLip Web
site and, using SSL, sends a message to someone else. ZipLip
then sends the recipient a message telling him that your message is
waiting. The recipient then logs onto ZipLip to receive the message.
Encryption, outside the two SSL connections, is completely optional.

ZipLip won't identify the encryption algorithm used, which is enough
to discount them without further analysis. But they do something
even stupider; they allow the sender to create an encryption key and
then give the recipient a "hint" so that he can guess it. ZipLip's own
Web site suggests: "The name of the project we're working on," or
"The restaurant where we had dinner last night." Maybe there are
100,000 restaurants, so that's a 17-bit key.

The threats here are serious. Both the sender and receiver need to
verify their SSL connections, otherwise there is no security. The
ZipLip server is a major attack target, both because many messages
will not be encrypted, and because those that are will have keys
weakened by the requirement that both parties remember them.

On the plus side, ZipLip claims a policy of deleting all mail 24 hours
after delivery, which provides a level of lawyer-proofing that HushMail
does not have...if they implement it properly.

YNN-mail <> is barely worth this paragraph.
They encrypt stored messages with a 40-bit key, and don't use SSL
when you sign up and send them a long-term password. Snake-oil if
I've ever seen it.

And I just heard of another, ZixMail <>. I
didn't have time to examine it in depth, but the FAQ -- look at their
wishy-washy comments on encryption -- makes it sound like real
snake oil, too.

Web-based encrypted e-mail is less secure than PGP-encrypted e-
mail (or S/MIME e-mail) for a few reasons. One, the constant
interaction between the communicants and the server leaves more
opportunity for man-in-the-middle attacks, Trojan horses, etc. Two,
SSL-based authentication is more vulnerable to spoofing, since
almost no one ever bothers to check the details of received
certificates and there is no revocation mechanism in place. And
three, there are some very attractive attack targets: servers with large
collections of secret e-mail and potential decryption keys. Certainly
Web-based encrypted e-mail is better than unencrypted e-mail, but
I'd stick with PGP or S/MIME if possible.


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edited by Harkank
published on: 1999-08-17
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